by digby
For your entertainment, a random Breitbart comment thread:
I'm a hardcore conservative, but look what the 1st Tea Party did...Obama was reelected, and the Tea Party was vilified by the media. & Occupy was praised.
So that is a good reason to whine and roll over? We only are defeated if we quit.
We have quit. Mitt won hands down & we did nothing. Whats left to do? Become a terrorest against our own country?
Don't think we haven't been branded terrorists of a sort already? We're damned if we do and damned if we dont, so at this point, let's give 'em all a really, really, really good reason to lie about us some more.
I'm at the point where I don't really give a damn about the 0bamabots anymore. They made their choice, let 'em take the consequences. Any fight left in me is for my descendants and for my fellow patriots. I'm not going off the cliff with the lemmings, dammit.
Possibly. Hope not, but possibly. But explain how being a Patriot, and supporting the Constitution against foreign AND domestic enemies is being a terrorist against our own country? It is working in support of it.
Yes. Armed insurrection is a viable strategy. I'll be there, throwing my -- oh, what is it this week? -- my left kidney at the White House.
John Kerry threw somebody's military medals at the White House when he was upset and I got my medical problems from the same place those medals came from. It's only fair.
Besides, all I can do is blog anymore. It would be a good diversion and somewhat therapeutic.
Stop voting for the republican party! We are their masters not the other way around.
We? I have not.
Give to the Tea Party! They at least did something for our country in 2010 mid elections. Get rid of the RINO's in the GOP is the work that has to be done.
Don't give up---get mad OR get on the railroad car headed to the showers---your choice!
Vote and support all conservatives in 2014 and take the MAJORITY away from Harry. Do that, keep the House and BO is rendered powerless for his last two years. I will never give up!
NO, YOU have quit! NOT We have quit...
The TEA Party is not terrorist and this is not America any longer, 'patriot'.
"What's left to do?" According to you, it would be to just lie down and die...and that's just what they want.
Thats what had to be done to CREATE this nation to begin with.
Massive voter fraud is why Obama is occupying the oval office. If GOP refuses to fight for honest elections they are useless to us.
Patriot, we have not quit. We lost an election. The Tea Party is still intact. There is much left to do i.e. indoctrination in our education, vote fraud, corrupted media, open borders, dirty politicians, repeal of 90+% of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid's treasonous treachery to our Nation, and a few more...
We need your support, not a defeatist attitude hung around our necks. Help us. Visit your local Tea Party and get involved on some level. It's a good thing. You'll be glad you did.
Throw in a compliant media, and the GOP had a strawman they could use....
The GOP can't challenge voter fraud because of the 1981 lawsuite against the RNC case no.09-4615. limiting their ability to engage or asist in voter fraud prevention. See www.fellowshipofminds.wordpres.... Time for a new party, maybe the Gop and the Tea Party together to form a new party.
We have not quit.
Your Country has been hijacked... you are living in a Post Constitutional oligopoly that has been sold to the highest bidder. The sooner people realize this the sooner we can take the country back.
Ridley62 I think we should stop blaming one another. That is what this administration want...more division amongst us. We need to stand together and fight for our country and our liberty. We have to do this or everything is lost.
If you study the numbers, nobody will ever be able to overtake the Santa Claus Party. It's time to prepare for Revolution.
In fairness, I've read similar threads on liberal blogs after a loss. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it when it happens to the other side.