by digby
I hate to break the news but they're just as looney as they ever were:
In keeping with the WND tradition of promoting various fringe conspiracies, Santorum’s debut column claimed that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has an objective of “ceding our sovereignty to the United Nations.”
Santorum warned that a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities treaty adopted in 2006 “has much darker and more troubling implications” than to simply improve the treatment of disabled people in other countries.
The staunchly anti-abortion Republican worried that the treaty would “put the government, acting under U.N. authority, in the position to determine for all children with disabilities what is best for them.”
And taking that thought to its absurd conclusion, Santorum suggested that the U.N. treaty would have meant the death of his daughter, who has a rare genetic disorder.
“In the case of our 4-year-old daughter, Bella, who has Trisomy 18, a condition that the medical literature says is ‘incompatible with life,’ would her ‘best interest’ be that she be allowed to die?” he asked.
“Some would undoubtedly say so.”
Yes, "some" would, I'm sure: psychopaths who dwell in prisons and a few philosopher types who think in abstractions. But until they take over the world I'm guessing Santorum can relax about this. And then maybe he can find the time to worry about all the disabled kids all over the world who have little medical care and nothing to eat --- you know, the kind of thing to which the UN has been devoting itself for the past 50 years.