by David Atkins
Erick Erickson, CNN contributor, movement conservative darling and new media leader, gives his view of history and the future:
My world view is pretty simple. I think this world is destined to go to hell in a hand basket by design. I think things are supposed to go to pot. So if Barack Obama wins, I won’t be upset. If Mitt Romney wins, I won’t be running through the streets cheering. I think, either way, it is all part of the design. The world is going down hill. Barack Obama re-elected just gets us down the slippery slope faster in my view. For others, it is Mitt Romney who does.This is Erickson's doomsday cult view from 50,000 feet: a view from which climate change and wars of civilizations don't matter because the world is ending in fire before Lord Jesus arrives, anyway. Though I do wonder why someone of this persuasion would care about long-term deficits.
God is sovereign and He is in charge and He will return. That is my hope and my ever present expectation.
We often get so wrapped up in the view of things at ground level, we forget to look at the world from 50,000 feet. In the historic, grand scheme of things, this too will end...
Some of you, on both sides, are convinced that the end of the world is nigh. It is. But not quite yet and no one really knows when.
What I do know for sure is that I’m headed home to eternity and this world is temporary. So while I like politics and have my side and want it to win, I’m not going to be partying in the street if my side does win and I’m not going to think the end of the world is upon us if my side loses.
You should not either.
This isn't a new phenomenon, remember. Ronald Reagan was obsessed with end times prophecies and may even have courted hot-war confrontation with the Soviet Union on that basis.
People like this should not be within 50,000 feet of public policy. They're dangerous lunatics.