From The Department Of You Can't Make This Stuff Up
by tristero
Makes sense to me. After all, you can make a lot more money performing ballet than you can pursing an engineering career, so why shouldn't you pay more for an arts education?
A state task force created by Gov. Rick Scott has released its preliminary recommendations on how to revamp higher education. The proposals end the one-size-fits-all way of funding universities.
Highly distinguished universities, such as the University of Florida and Florida State University, could charge more than others. Tuition would be lower for students pursuing degrees most needed for Florida's job market, including ones in science, technology, engineering and math, collectively known as the STEM fields.
The committee is recommending no tuition increases for them in the next three years.
But to pay for that, students in fields such as psychology, political science, anthropology, and performing arts could pay more because they have fewer job prospects in the state.
"The purpose would not be to exterminate programs or keep students from pursuing them.
There will always be a need for them," said Dale Brill, who chairs the task force. "But you better really want to do it, because you may have to pay moreThis is the logic of Puritans. It's all of a piece with the attraction the MSM and many "serious" economists have for austerity programs to the bizarre movement that would force a woman to give birth to her rapist's child,
It is a worldview that privileges a dreary bleakness over joy.