An underreported truth behind the great abortion freakout, by @DavidOAtkins

An underreported truth behind the great abortion freakout

by David Atkins

I don't have time today to expand on this with more evidence--I'll write more on this subject after the election--but it's important for voters to understand that the great right-wing freakout over abortion and contraception isn't just about religion and control of women. Like so much else in American politics, it's also very much about race and the fear of demographic winter.

Consider, for instance, the Freeper reaction to this story about the policy of free birth control and abortions in France. You might expect the reactions to be of a misogynistic and theocratic nature. But they aren't. It's almost an entirely race-based:

txrefugee writes:
The Muslims, who will be happy to spawn on the public dole, won’t have to wait so long to take over France.
paddles chimes in:
I suppose it’s never occurred to those arrogant jerks that they’re finally ridding the world of themselves.
Buckeye McFrog:
My Catholic beliefs prevent me from saying anything crass such as “fewer what’s the problem?”
Lucian of Samasota
What a shame that western culture dies through suicide.
I’m sure sharia Europe will be a marvelous place.
At least the US is a few years behind, and I won’t live to see it here.
And mimaw:
I know what you mean, if I weren’t Catholic I’d be cheering them on to abort themselves out of existance.
Topping it off is the Talibangelical impulse to, well, agree with the Taliban. PGR88:
One can at least understand how the simplistic and blinkered Muslims might view all French women as whores.
Make no mistake. As much as the right-wing in this country is deeply misogynistic, it's no accident that the barnstorm over abortion and Roe v. Wade occurred during and after the Civil Rights Movement. It's not just a women's issue parallel to the racial issue. It's also a racial issue.

There are a whole lot of people terrified that if access to abortion isn't repealed, the white race will die out. It feeds their animus and ties in with the rest of their political obsessions, which tend to be all about one thing when push comes to shove.
