Dristor - Timpuri Noi, Bucureşti.
În excursia foto organizată de Asociaţia "Bucureştiul meu drag" mai 2010.
It hammers terms of art into a shape
So tell a story of infelicitous recurrence
deficient in affect
thriving on awkwardness
not mechanistic
writer's meditation
The briefest part of life's uncertain day,
Youth's lovely blossom, hastes to swift decay:
While love, wine, song, enhance our gayest mood
Old age creeps on, nor thought, nor understood.
Thomas Love Peacock
Could truth be in the eye of the beholder?Could truth be only skin deep? Could the poets be wrong?
Poets are a strange lotConfused about things the world takes for grantedOne says beauty is only skin deepAnother states it cannot be found in a mirror
Oh yee of little faith
Laasweek nadat hierdie "kontroversiele" foto geplaas is op Beeld/Sport24 se agterblad was daar baie kommentaar gelewer. Baie mense het gebel met komplimente, maar party mense het ook gebel en gevra of ek die foto gemanipuleer het en dit was vir my absoluut skokkend! Dink hulle ek sal so iets doen?
Ek as fotojoernalis sal nooit ooit 'n foto manipuleer nie! Manipulasie is 'n ernstige aantuiging, want dit tas die integriteit aan van 'n fotojoernalis en integriteit is al wat ons het.
Dit gesê sal mense altyd fout vind wanneer suur drywe betrokke is, so nou laat ek die foto maar die praatwerk doen.
Ek heg ook die EXIF data onderaan.
My crop en edit
Oorspronklike uit die kamera
Date: 5/4/2010
Time: 4:09:03 PM
Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark III
Serial #: 554487
Firmware: Version 1.2.5
Frame #: 2589
Lens (mm): 400
ISO: 320
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter: 1/640
Exp. Comp.: +0.3
Flash Comp.:
Program: Aperture Priority
Focus Mode: AI Servo AF
White Bal.: Auto
ICC Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Contrast: 0
Quality: Raw
ET go Home
My view on the first morning. ET was murdered the previous night. Mot (friend) and I drove through at night and slept in the car in front of ET's farm. We only got a few hours sleep. E-tv was busy with a live crossing here. Was still pretty quiet here... the whole world would arrive in the next couple of hours.In an attempt to get footage we walked through swamp-type areas on the farm but what, to me, was one of the most surreal moments was when we found Atilla (ET's famous horse) walking on the farm. I wondered if Atilla knew her boss was killed only a couple hours earlier.
Breakfast of Champions. Mot making it out of the boot.
Me, sitting at the City Hall waiting for someone from the AWB. pic GERHARD PRETORIUS
First time we got to the crime scene. On the left was the bed where ET died. Me is wearing red. On my right is Simphiwe Sibeko (Reuters) and Schalk van Zuydam (AP).
AWB meeting in town. Only got a couple frames before being chased out.
Oom Andries, ET's brother.
Outside the Court.
AWB's new leader, Steyn van Ronge.
To me, a summary of emotions at the funeral.
Tydens die begrafnis in die AP Kerk.
Breakfast of Champions. Mot making it out of the boot.
Me, sitting at the City Hall waiting for someone from the AWB. pic GERHARD PRETORIUS
First time we got to the crime scene. On the left was the bed where ET died. Me is wearing red. On my right is Simphiwe Sibeko (Reuters) and Schalk van Zuydam (AP).
AWB meeting in town. Only got a couple frames before being chased out.
Oom Andries, ET's brother.
Outside the Court.
AWB's new leader, Steyn van Ronge.
To me, a summary of emotions at the funeral.
Tydens die begrafnis in die AP Kerk.
Buite ET se plaas.
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